Misconceptions about leadership that hinder your success

Misconceptions about leadership that hinder your success



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Leadership is a muscle that requires consistent training and development. While stepping into leadership roles comes more naturally to some people, no one is born ready to be a CEO.

In fact, there are many misconceptions about leadership, and the reality of what it means to actually lead often differs from the expectations of new CEOs when they first take on the role.


Throughout my professional career, I have often heard some of the following common misconceptions about leadership. But with the wisdom of experience, I have also seen great CEOs learn how to reframe their thinking and develop their own leadership principles on their unique path to becoming better leaders.

Related: 10 common myths about leadership and how to overcome them


Misconception #1: Leaders cannot make mistakes

A common misconception is that leaders must be infallible and have the innate ability to make error-free decisions. This assumption often leads to the idea that leaders must demonstrate unwavering strength. In reality, effective leadership is more diverse. The best leaders recognize the power of vulnerability and recognize that making informed decisions is a continuous learning process. Creating an environment where everyone can learn from mistakes and failures allows leaders to authentically connect with their teams and cultivate a sense of trust and openness.

When I first became CEO, I made the mistake of isolating myself from my team, thinking I had to have all the answers. But that couldn’t be further from the truth. At some point, every leader will make a decision that didn’t quite go according to plan. Great leaders demonstrate that they are resilient, flexible, and open to change in the face of new information. When an organization is performing at its best, it is common knowledge that everyone is learning and improving together.

Misconception #2: Leadership is about giving orders

There is a misconception that a leader’s role is to dictate orders, perpetuating a command and control mentality. Leadership requires action, and leaders are the ultimate decision makers in a company. However, command-and-control leadership stifles creativity and discourages open communication. Great leaders create an inclusive work environment where collaboration thrives, innovative ideas are freely exchanged, and team members have the opportunity to contribute their expertise – even if it means challenging preconceived notions.

The leader’s role is not only to give orders, but also to inspire, direct and facilitate the team’s achievements. By delegating and relinquishing the need for absolute control, leaders can leverage the diverse skills and perspectives of their teams. Great leadership isn’t just about communicating strategy from the top down. It’s also about listening to your team and creating space for them to share ideas, challenge thinking and honestly discuss problems.

Misconception #3: There is one best leadership methodology

There is no single “best way” to lead. Many great leaders and coaches have completely different leadership styles. Some people believe that all great leaders must be extroverts. However, introverted leaders often excel by using their listening skills to engage in thoughtful decision-making. Similarly, I have heard from many CEOs who quickly realized the disadvantages of hiring a team of managers who think exactly like them.

However, there are two traits that most great leaders have in common: emotional intelligence and empathy. Regardless of their leadership style, they show their team that they truly care about them as individuals. This empathetic approach builds trust, improves communication and creates a positive environment.

Related: 3 Ways to Increase Your Empathy and Become a More Effective Leader

Misconception #4: Leaders should only share good news

Some leaders believe that they should insulate their employees from bad news so that the team does not become depressed by business challenges. But when leaders interrupt communication, the team invents its own stories to fill the gaps, and the leader becomes isolated. As Jim Collins says, “Face the brutal facts.” Great leaders respect their team, win their hearts and minds when they are transparent and see them as partners in overcoming challenges. Transparent communication also creates shared responsibility.

Misconception #5: Leadership is lonely

While it may seem isolated at the top, leadership is not a solo endeavor. Great leaders intentionally select a diverse team of managers who think differently than they do. They also consistently seek out other CEOs facing similar challenges. Every leader has their own biases resulting from past decisions and life experiences. Hearing other perspectives helps leaders separate the facts from their personal stories or opinions about what’s really going on. This opens channels for constructive feedback and course correction.

Spending time with other leaders outside your company creates space for honest conversations about strengths, weaknesses, and struggles. These types of candid exchanges reveal a key universal truth – no leader has everything planned. Embracing this reality not only strengthens leadership skills, but also builds a supportive community where shared insights fuel growth.

Moving beyond these leadership misconceptions is a milestone in achieving personal and organizational success. Embracing vulnerability, communicating transparently, and encouraging collaboration, while rejecting a command-and-control mentality, are key to becoming a more effective leader. Great leaders know that leadership is not a goal; it is a unique and dynamic journey, requiring a lifelong commitment to continuous development, adaptability and learning.

Related: Don’t believe these 5 leadership myths that will undermine your self-confidence

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