‘He had so much potential’: Boy ac-cidentally sh-ot, k-illed by sibling at St. Pete home with stolen g-un
An 11-year-old boy has died after suffering life-threatening in*juries when he was sh*ot with a stolen g*un on Friday in St. Petersburg, according to officials.
St. Pete police responded at around 12:15 p.m. to the home in the 1400 block of 43rd Street South.
Officers said the child’s two siblings, his sister, 13, and brother, 14, were present in the house when the 14-year-old, playing with the g*un, acci*dentally sh*ot the boy.

The firearm which he had recently found in a nearby alley and had it in the home, unbeknownst to the family. Officials said the firearm was reported stolen on April 24.
They found the child, identified as Amir Williams, with a gu*nshot wound. He later died from his i*njuries while inside the home.
One of the kids notified the mother, who got into a car crash on the interstate while on her way home. Her vehicle sustained significant damage, so she called a ride-share, who transported her to the home, police said.
“Amir was a good kid,” the boy’s uncle, Darryl Walls said. “He had so much potential. I hate to see so much potential be gone so soon.”
“It’s really, really sad and it’s so easy for kids to get a gu*n,” Walls added. “It’s a sad day.”
Officials said the children were home because they did not have school on Friday.
Police will work with the State Attorney’s Office to determine the appropriate charges since negligence and manslaughter are involved. This remains an ongoing investigation.